Since 1934, Kern Medical has been training residents and
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Since 1934, Kern Medical has been training residents and
health care professionals in our community.
Additional questions or information about the Southern San Joaquin Valley Research Forum should be directed to
1st Place
Winny Guan, PharmD
Vancomycin Associated Acute Kidney Injury Pre and Post Implementation of
Bayesian Software
2nd Place
Sharmila Thiagarajan, MS IV
To Infliximab and Beyond: Using Immunotherapy as Alternative Treatment
Option for Treatment-Resistant Depression
3rd Place
Essam Hashem, MS IV
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Violence: Did Rates of Traumatic
Injuries Decline after the Pandemic?
1st Place
Sarah Thomas, OMS III
Scapular Winging in a Newborn: A Case Report
2nd Place
Sharanya Thiagarajan, MD
Navigating the Complexity: A Unique Case of Autoimmune Encephalitis
3rd Place
Sagar Mehta, MS IV
Mucormycosis Rhinosinusitis with Parameningeal Involvement
Maggie Jiang, DO
Conventional Laparoscopic vs. Multi-Degree of Freedom Articulating Instruments
in Minimally Invasive Surgical Suturing
Kiranpreet Singh, PharmD
Effects of Phone vs. In-person Vists on A1C in Underserved Diabetics
Haidar Hajeh, MD
The Correlation between Socioeconomic Status and Change in the Ejection
Fraction in Patients with Methamphetamine-induced Cardiomyopathy
Best Ranked Quality Improvement Abstract:
Sanjana Murdande, MD
Diminishing C. diff: A Quality Improvement Project on Decreasing Hospital-Acquired
Clostridium Difficile Infections
Recognition for Highest Number of Accepted Abstracts Submissions (tie):
Rupam Sharma, MD (6 accepted submissions)
Kevin Dao, MD (6 accepted submissions)