Soroush Bazargani, MD

  • Primary Specialty: Urology
  • Gender: Male

About Dr. Bazargani

Dr. Soroush Bazargani, MD, is a Urologist at Kern Medical.
Dr. Bazargani initially completed five years of urology training in June 2009 outside the states with a top board score. In addition, Dr. Bazargani has practiced as a consultant urologist for three years with various pathologies and procedures. Dr. Bazargani accepted a clinical fellowship position in a combined Endourology/ Minimally Invasive Urology program at the University of Southern California (USC) in May 2017, gaining significant experience in advancements in the field of Urology and subsequently applied for a Urology residency and was matched initially into a prelim surgery year followed by advanced Urology residency at the University of Florida, Jacksonville program.
Dr. Bazargani has completed a vast number of clinical trials and publications and is constantly furthering his knowledge and skills in the field of Urology.
In his free time, Dr. Bazargani enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the outdoors.
Affiliations, Societies and Memberships American Urological Association, American Medical Association, American College of Surgery, European Association of Urology, Iranian Urological Association-Young Urologist Committee, International Young Urologists Association, General Medical Council, Iran
  • Medical School
  • Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Internship
  • Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Residency
  • Urmia University of Medical Sciences
  • Fellowship
  • Clinical Fellowship of Endourology and Laparoscopy USC Institute of Urology
  • Residency
  • PGY-1 preliminary, General Surgery Huntington Memorial Hospital
  • PGY2-5 Urology Residency University of Florida