The Valley Fever Institute at Kern Medical recently hosted the first two parts of a series of educational lectures on Coccidioidomycosis, COVID-19, and Influenza for physicians and other health care providers in our community. The first two lectures covered the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Covid-19, Coccidioidomycosis, and Influenza. Eligible attendees of the live stream were provided with evaluations for CME credit and the video recordings are available below for reference.
Part I Clinically, Diagnostically, and Radiologically differentiating from Kern Medical on Vimeo.
Triple Threat Part 2 Final from Kern Medical on Vimeo.
It is our hope that viewers will be able to apply new knowledge to the prevention, control, and treatment of COVID-19, Coccidioidomycosis and Influenza.
The Valley Fever Institute at Kern Medical is committed to providing educational resources to physicians and other health care providers in our community. Videos of our recent presentations are below.
Cocci: A Fungus Among Us, presented by Royce H. Johnson MD, FACP from Kern Medical on Vimeo.
Antifungals: Past, Present & Future from Kern Medical Center on Vimeo.