When your visit to Kern Medical requires anesthesia or analgesia, our constant focus is on your comfort and safety.
Whether you are receiving general anesthesia or sedation for surgery or an endoscopic procedure, regional anesthesia in obstetrics, or airway consultation in the emergency room or ICU, our highly skilled, team-oriented anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists put you and your family first. They have the knowledge, training and human understanding to make sure your experience is an untroubled one, closely and carefully monitored at all times.
Here are some of the Kern Medical Anesthesiology Department's key responsibilities:
Most important is our commitment to delivering the utmost in personalized attention for all our patients. Each one is unique, and we tailor our care to each patient’s individual needs.
We also believe it’s important for patients and families to be fully informed about the experiences they will encounter. We work hard to make sure you understand the available options for anesthesia and pain management.
Once you’re under our care, we will use advanced monitoring equipment to evaluate your blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level. Through constant evaluation, we will carefully attend to your safety and comfort and make sure you are getting the specific combination of medications you require.
We welcome you to Kern Medical, and we will do our best to serve you.